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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What is Yoga ?

Yogic science not only provides knowledge about the underlying basis of metaphysical principles and ethical values, but it also provides the necessary tools to completely transform human nature. Its aim is to bring about perspectives beyond intellectual understanding, and to foster experiences that bring life into a new dimension of perception.
The emphasis of yoga therefore is not on the external and perceivable areas of endeavor, which lead to bondage and limitation, but on the inner and intangible fields, which lead to freedom and perfection. It involves the transformation of a limited being into an unbounded one.
Yoga is both a philosophy and a science. The philosophy and the science of yoga are not only intertwined and inseparable, they also reinforce each other. The philosophy emphasizes the existence of the Self within. The science is the method that verifies this doctrine by setting out certain kinds of discipline, certain techniques and practices that enable the emergence of the true being within us.
Yoga is the path towards the union of our bounded self with our ultimate nature. This union results in self-realization - Mukti or Nirvana. Through perfect yoga this freedom is attained. Yoga is not something one does; it is the medium of one becoming the crucible of self-transformation. It is not a practice, but a certain way to be.
Yoga deepens, broadens and strengthens the visionary power of the mind. It opens the door of that realm of sensing beyond the five senses.

About isha

Isha Foundation, founded by Sadhguru in 1992, is an entirely volunteer-run, international nonprofit organization dedicated to cultivating human potential. The Foundation is a human service organization that recognizes the possibility of each person to empower another - restoring global community through inspiration and individual transformation.
Isha Foundation is operated by over 250,000 volunteers from more than 150 city-based centers spread worldwide. The Foundation is headquartered at Isha Yoga Center, set in the lush rainforest at the base of the Velliangiri Mountains in southern India, and at the Isha Institute of Inner Sciences on the spectacular Cumberland Plateau in middle Tennessee, USA.
At the core of the Foundation's activities is a customized system of yoga called Isha Yoga. Isha Yoga distills powerful, ancient yogic methods for a modern person, creating peak physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. This basis of total wellbeing accelerates inner growth, allowing each individual to tap the wealth of vibrant life within oneself. Sadhguru's introductory program, Inner Engineering, introduces Shambhavi Maha Mudra - a simple but powerful kriya (inner energy process) for deep inner transformation.
Isha Foundation also implements several large-scale human service projects to support individual growth, revitalize the human spirit, rebuild communities, and restore the environment. These include:

Inner Transformation

There is a beautiful story about a caterpillar that lived much of its life believing that it had come into being only to eat and sleep and do what the rest of the caterpillars did. However it was unhappy. Somehow it sensed that its life had another dimension not yet experienced.
One day, driven by a strange longing, it decided to become still and silent. It hung from the branch of a tree, weaving a cocoon around itself. Inside the cocoon, although constrained and uncomfortable, it waited, sensing and aware. Its patience bore fruit, for when the cocoon burst open, it was no longer the lowly worm that went in, but a beautiful, resplendent, winged butterfly which dazzled the sky. It soared and flew, no longer limited to its worm-like existence, but free and unbounded. The caterpillar had been transformed into a thing of air and lightness, magic and beauty.
Once the transformation had taken place, it was impossible for the butterfly to return to being a worm. In the cocoon, the caterpillar had become one with its inner being and in this union it reached its ultimate nature. What happened in the cocoon can be described as yoga. Yoga is the path towards being boundless.
Yoga transforms and liberates human beings so that they can reach this unbounded state. Humans, unlike animals, are not merely existing. They are becoming. To evolve as a human being is to become aware of one's limitations; to strive, with intense passion, towards the transcendence for which we all have the potential.

Isha Yoga

Gleaned from the core of the yogic lore and unveiled for the everyday man, Isha Yoga programs allow individuals to take tangible steps towards their inner growth. These programs are designed by Sadhguru and are a rare opportunity for self-discovery under the guidance of a realized yogi.
At Isha, yoga is taught in its full depth and dimension and communicated on an experiential level. The programs provide methods for establishing oneself in a way of life that affirms wholeness and vitality. They show that spiritual life does not deny worldly, social, and family responsibilities, but rather uses them as vehicles for personal growth and self-realization.
An array of programs is conducted regularly by the Foundation worldwide. Tailored to suit individuals from every social and cultural background, the core of these programs provides powerful tools for inner exploration.
Isha Yoga programs involve simple postures, meditation and powerful ways of transforming one's energies. They do not require physical agility or any previous knowledge or experience of yoga.

“As we have physical science to create external well-being there is a whole inner dimension of science to create inner well being. I call it Inner Engineering.” - SADHGURU

Inner Engineering - the peak of wellbeing ( also called Isha Yoga Program in Tamil Nadu )

Inner Engineering is offered as an intensive program for personal growth. The program and its environment establish the possibility to explore the higher dimensions of life and offers tools to re-engineer one's self through the inner science of yoga. Once given the tools to rejuvenate, people can optimize all aspects of health, inner growth and success. For those seeking professional and personal excellence, this program offers keys for meaningful and fulfilling relationships at work, home, community, and most importantly, within one's self.
Inner Engineering can be thought of as a synthesis of holistic sciences to help participants establish an inner foundation and vision for all dimensions of life and find the necessary balance between the challenges of a hectic career and the inner longing for peace and well being.
The approach is a modern antidote to stress, and presents simple but powerful processes from yogic science to purify the system and increase health and inner well being. Program components include guided meditations and transmission of the sacred Shambhavi Maha Mudra. When practiced on a regular basis, these tools have the potential to enhance one's experience of life on many levels.


Optimize health and vitality
Reduce stress
Promote mental clarity and emotional balance
Increase and maintain high energy levels throughout the day
Reduce sleep & rest quota
Prevent chronic diseases like Asthma, Allergies, Sinusitis, Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Epilepsy, Back pain, Skin and eye ailments, Migraine
Increase ability to handle stressful situations
Enhance focus, concentration & memory
Raise productivity and efficiency
Improve communication & inter-human relationships
Maintain optimum levels of performance throughout the day
Establish a positive & open approach towards life
Evaluate personal values and life goals
Generate inner peace and fulfillment
Transcend limitations and fears
Live & experience each moment to the fullest
In fostering understanding of their interiority, participants gain powerful tools to cope with the hectic pace of modern life and move into a new plane for living and working. Inner Engineering empowers participants to begin experiencing their lives to the fullest potential.

“Work is an expression of who you are... so who you are is what needs to be worked at.” - SADHGURU

Wholeness Program - A Weeklong Retreat

Peace, happiness, and well-being are central to one's productivity. The life of an executive has never been as complex as it is today. Handling multiple projects at work and dealing with family and social situations are often stressful experiences. The challenges of the work environment, which may lead to physical and mental ill-health, are more manifest in today's executive life than ever before.
The eight-day residential Wholeness Program, conducted by Sadhguru at the Isha Yoga Center, scientifically structured to produce a conducive environment for personal exploration and transformation. The approach is truly holistic, treating each person as a whole being and recognizing the essential unity of Body, Mind and Spirit. It is taught in its full depth and dimension, allowing one to feel its vital spirit.
The words "whole" and "heal" contain within them a deep affirmation that wholeness and health are related. The stress and frustration of professional lifestyles, if left unchecked, often manifests as ailments that are treated medically without addressing the root problem. Practices learned in the Wholeness Program place great emphasis on purifying processes that renew the body's potency and act as a stress-reducer and preventative for disease.
Ultimately, wholeness means being conscious of and receptive to our innermost being. Wholeness Program activates a subtle process that leads to a change in one's inner chemistry. Science today has proven that all physical and emotional states have a biological chemical basis. The goal of the Wholeness Program is to transform a person's inner chemistry so that his or her behavior, health and experience of life will naturally change.
The program features Shakti Chalana Kriya - powerful and purifying breathing techniques; Asanas - dynamic yoga postures and kriyas; Shoonya Meditation - an effortless process of conscious non-doing, which stimulates release of all physical, mental and emotional blocks and activates spontaneous expression of one's vital energy.
When practiced regularly, some of the benefits of this program are:
Creating a highly focused and relaxed state of mind and body.
Enhanced energy levels that enable one to glide through a rigorous workday.
Creating an inner space that remains untouched by the turbulences of external situations.
Strengthening and deepening relationships.
A preventive health measure. It has helped thousands find relief from chronic diseases like Asthma, Hypertension, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Spondilitis, Epilepsy, Migraine, Sinusitis, Allergic problems, Obesity, Skin and Eye ailments.

“Hata Yoga is the science of using the body to prepare oneself for the ultimate possibility.”- SADHGURU

Hata Yoga, a 2-3 day residential program at our centers, is an opportunity to learn Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) along with a series of asanas (yoga postures). The

program does not require any previous experience in yoga, nor particular physical agility. Participants need not have gone through any previous Isha Programs. In this one-time program, the postures are imparted in depth, enabling you to continue to practice them at home. Isha Hata Yoga is far beyond being a mere physical exercise, or simply bending the body. This comprehensive set of asanas is scientifically designed in such a way that through regular practice, one can attain to a certain mastery over body and mind. Isha Hata Yoga not only improves health and well-being, but also brings the necessary balance within oneself to experience higher levels of energy. As a preparatory step for other Isha Yoga practices, it significantly enhances the experience of kriyas and meditation.

“The greatest crime that you can do to humanity is to teach your children that suffering is a part of their life. You have taken away the possibility of them being joyous human beings.” - SADHGURU

Isha Yoga for Children

Isha Yoga for Children offers a unique possibility for every child to experience a joyful blossoming of their natural potential. Isha Yoga celebrates the natural gifts within every child including wonder and a sense of oneness with life.
The program introduces yoga to children, led through an exploration of fun, love and joy, allowing each child to develop and live in optimal health and inner peace. It is offered by Isha Foundation teachers, trained under the guidance of Sadhguru.
Isha Yoga Children's program consists of an introduction to simple yoga practices including Shakti Chalana Kriya and asanas. The program content is presented through fun games and play so that children experience a sense of belonging and unity with life.
Participants of Isha Yoga Children's programs often experience enhanced concentration and memory, more focus, and improved mind body coordination. The practices learnt are an effective preventative for obesity, asthma, sinusitis and other chronic ailments.

Dhyanalinga Yogic Temple - distilled essence of yogic sciences

Dhyana in the Sanskrit language, means meditation and linga means form.
Dhyanalinga is a powerful and unique energy-form, representing the distilled essence of yogic sciences. Unsuccessfully attempted for thousands of years by many accomplished yogis, it is the first of its kind to be successfully consecrated and presented to the world.
Dhyanalinga Yogic Temple offers a unique meditative space that does not ascribe to any particular faith or belief system, or require any rituals, prayers, or worship. Within its space, the intense yet subtle energies of the linga, allow one to experience the deepest states of peace and silence, revealing the essential nature of life itself.
With the sculptural reliefs and symbols of Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Jainism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Buddhism, and Shinto inscribed on a colossal pillar, Sarva Dharma Sthamba, located at the front entrance, Dhyanalinga functions as an icon of singularity, bearing a universal message of welcome. As such, it offers a rare and potent opportunity for humanity to grow together into a state of peace, prosperity and well-being, beyond religious divide.
As the focal feature of Isha Yoga Center, Dhyanalinga Yogic Temple with its Theerthakund, and the upcoming Linga Bhairavi Shrine, is rapidly becoming one of the most sought out locations for those seeking to experience and grow in meditation.
For more on Dhyanalinga, visit

Related Links
Sadhguruwww.sadhguru.orgDedicated to Sadhguru's life and work - with exclusive photographs, articles and excerpts of discourses specially selected from Isha archives, this site offers deeper insights into the life and wisdom of this master, mystic and yogi with a difference.
Dhyanalinga Yogic Temple
www.dhyanalinga.orgA dream of many enlightened beings - Dhyanalinga is a powerful space specially consecrated by Sadhguru to offer the highest possibility of the divine to one and all. The site offers an in-depth look at the making of this unique Yogic Temple.
Action for Rural Rejuvenation A pioneering rural revitalization program offering free medical care and community rehabilitation. Through Mobile Medical Units, agricultural support services for farmers, an AIDS Awareness program, yoga training, and the revival of indigenous sports, herbal gardens and local health remedies, the project touches more than 3000 destitute villages in rural southern India so far. This site showcases Isha’s commitment to the rural Indian sector at all levels.
Project Green Hands
www.projectgreenhands.orgA massive ecological initiative to plant 114 million trees in the next ten years, aiming to restore 33% green cover in Tamil Nadu, India. After setting a Guinness World Record for mass tree planting in 2006, the ambitious project goal for 2007 is to plant 25 million trees in a single year!
Isha Vidhya
www.ishavidhya.orgA pioneering English medium, computer-based education initiative to establish 206 new village schools in rural southern India by 2014. This will equip thousands of severely disadvantaged rural youth for skilled work opportunities in India’s booming economy.
Isha Home School to provide quality education in a home-like environment, Isha Home School kindles the innate urge within a child to learn and know, focusing on inculcating life values and living skills rather than exclusively emphasizing academic pursuits. Step into this world full of love, light and laughter.
Midnights with the Mystic